There are slight differences depending on whether you are uploading photos in a web browser, or one of our mobile apps. Steps for both methods follow.
Web browser
- Tap or click ADD PHOTOS at the top of most pages and choose the web site from the menu. (see right)
- Log in, if you haven't done so before.
- Click SELECT PHOTOS, and browse to the folder where your photos are stored. Select the photos to upload and click Open.
- Tap or click Add more photos or Start upload.
The blue progress bar at the top and the number of photos uploaded so far in shows your progress. Once completed a screen will display, "Upload complete".
Snapfish Mobile App
- From the app home page, tap the menu icon on the upper left and then tap PHOTOS.
- Then tap web site name or icon in the menu at the top and log in, if you haven't done so before.
- Tap the checkbox above a specific date to select all photos in the album or tap the specific photos you want to upload.
- Tap UPLOAD and then tap Create or choose an album for the photos you are about to upload.
- Tap OK after you've created a new album, or chosen an existing album.
A blue status indicator will show the progress of your upload. Uploading can take a few minutes, depending on how many photos you are uploading.