Estimated delivery date is an estimate only, not a guarantee, and reflects the total number of business days we estimate to make then deliver your order. The items you create are one of a kind, not something we pull off a shelf, so please allow us 3-5 business days to make them before shipping your order. The date is dependent on both the shipping method you choose, your location and the type of product you are ordering since some products, like photo books, take longer to produce. Also note: delays may occur and delivery may take longer, especially during the holiday season.
We provide you with an Estimated Delivery Date at every step in the order check-out and shipping process:
Before you order
When you are choosing a shipping method for an order in your Cart, you will see an estimated delivery date for each of our shipping methods, along with costs. Once you choose a shipping method, you will see the estimated delivery date again on on the bottom left of the Payment page.
After you place your order
You will see your order details on the final check-out page, including estimated delivery date, and you will receive an order confirmation email with the same details.
You can also view the estimated delivery date via the Recent Orders area of your home page, and in your account where all your orders are displayed on the Order History with links to the details about each order.
When your order ships
Once your order has created, packaged and shipped you will get an email letting you know that your order is on its way. In addition, the shipping notification includes tracking information (if available in your country or for the shipping method you chose).