If your coupon or promo code is not working, we apologize, but please ensure the code is spelled correctly, and that you meet the terms and conditions of the promo. Usually only one coupon code per order is accepted, so unless mentioned in the terms and conditions, this could be the problem.
When a code is accepted, you should see the discount and savings in green text, like the example shown below:
Note: currency units shown in the image above may vary depending on your country.
After checking the spelling and terms of your code, if it is still not accepted or does not show a discount, please contact us as soon as possible via chat at the link below so we can fix the problem for you. We appreciate your help and patience.
Likewise, if you have a credit for a product, and it is not automatically appearing or applying correctly in the cart, please contact us.
Finding the Terms and Conditions for a promotion
Terms and conditions of promotions are displayed on the web site and/or a promotional email you may have received. To view them on the web site:
- Click the DEALS link at the top of most pages (e.g. below).
- When the page opens, navigate to the offer you are interested in and then click the "View Terms & Conditions" link just below the offer (e.g. below).
Note: If you are confused by the terms and conditions for a coupon or promotion code, please contact us via one of the links below.