When you upload photos, we create an online album for you that you can access by clicking MY PHOTOS at the top of the page. It's really a folder of photos that you can change to suit your needs, including changing the title, the date, the cover photo, and more. You can sort, or manually drag photos to whatever arrangement you want. The following options are available once you click the album you want to change.
Album options
- To change the album name, date or description, simply click the field and type your text (see below).
- Simply click one of these icons to do the following:
- SELECT ALL selects all photos in the album for creating products, sharing, copying, moving or deleting
- SORT allows photos to be sorted newest to oldest or oldest to newest
- SHOW TITLES reveals each photo name, which can be changed when displayed
- SHARE ALBUM allows you to share the whole album with others
- DELETE ALBUM removes the album from your account
- REARRANGE photos within the album: (after clicking the icon, just drag and drop each photo to where you want it and then click DONE).
- SLIDESHOW starts a slideshow of the album
- UPLOAD PHOTOS to add more photos to the album
- The PRINT ENTIRE ALBUM button allows you to quickly select and order prints of all the photos in the album
- You can also quickly order 4x6 prints of the album's photos by clicking the PRINT ENTIRE ALBUM button. Learn more about Print Entire Album.
Photo options within an album
- To open a detailed view of a photo, click the + sign at the top right of the photo (see right). The page that opens will allow you to edit the photo, caption the photo, and many other options. Learn more
To select photos for a project, or to share, move, copy. download or delete, click the check mark at the bottom right of each individual photo (see right). The icon will change to blue as shown below.
With selected photos you can select a product to create in the menu on the left or click Options to share, move, copy, download, edit the date or delete the selected photos. If you choose to copy or move them, you will need to select an existing album or create a new one for the selected photos (see right).
- To set a photo as the album cover, mouse over an individual photo, click the gear icon that appears (see below) and then click Make Album Cover. This menu can also be used for the other options below, though it will only act on the single photo, unlike the previous option which is for multiple photos.
Note: The Star icon on the thumbnail sets the photo as a favorite, but it will not appear on narrow portrait shaped photos. In that case, Mark as favorite appears at the top of the drop-down menu.
Related articles
- MY PHOTOS -- all your online albums and photos
- Photo details pages and what you can do there
- Editing photos in your library
- Editing photos in your library (tutorial)
- Selecting photos for prints, photo products and other options
- Print Entire Album: the quickest way to order prints
- Zooming in and panning edits to make close-up photos in your library
- Copy, move or delete photos, or set one as the album cover in your library
- Uploading and importing photos to your account
- Download photos from your account to your computer