All the photos you select to use in your project appear in the photo well (see below). If you haven't selected any, or you need to select or upload more, click GET PHOTOS to choose them for your project.
Once you've selected and placed some photos in the project, any photo that has already been placed shows with a blue check mark. If one hasn't been used, or you've removed it from the project pages, it is unchecked in the well to help you keep track. You can select HIDE USED PHOTOS from the Options menu in the well to show only the photos you haven't used, which can help if you have a lot of photos selected.
To remove a photo from the well (and the project), click the "X" on the photo in the well. If the photo is in use, you'll be prompted to first remove it from the page where it is used. If it is not being used it will be removed from the project, but not from your library.
Also in the OPTIONS menu is a choice to restart your project, which removes all photos, embellishments, design and other changes from your project pages but keeps the photos in the well.
The SORT feature on the main Photos menu allows you to reverse the order of your selected photos. Photos are normally shown in the order they were added to the project, with most recent at the top. Clicking the SORT button reverses the order so that the first image selected is at the top of the display.
The AUTOFILL option allows you to fill your project with your selected photos (see details in Using Autofill to add photos to your project).