Softcover and hardcover books are currently available. The minimum number of pages for a book is 20, but you can now add additional pages to a maximum of 150. Steps for creating them follow.
- When the app home page opens, tap Books.
- On the Books screen, scroll down to see what's available and tap the book you want.
- Select 22 or more photos and click DONE to proceed. You need 1 for the front cover, 1 for the back and 20 more for the individual pages for a basic book with a single photo on each page. Select more photos if you want to add more pages, or to show more photos per page.
Once you've selected photos, you'll see the Main book screen with photos placed in the book. In this view, you can:- Rearrange the order of pages by holding one down, and dragging it to another position (for interior pages, not the covers).
- Add more pages by tapping ADD PAGES at the bottom.
- Delete pages by tapping REMOVE PAGES at the bottom. Trash icons appear above each page and tapping one will remove that page. You can't delete if you only have 20 pages in the book.
- Tap the Save icon to save the project
- Tap a page to make changes to on an individual page (Book page screen below)
- Tap ORDER to add the book to your cart when you are done with your changes.
In the Book page screen you can do the following:
- Tap PHOTOS and drag a photo from the bottom of the screen to the photo spot you want to fill or replace.
- Tap LAYOUT to view a variety of layouts and tap the layout you want for the page. Layouts include variations with text, text-only, and multi-photo pages (up to 9 photos per page).
- Tap BACKGROUNDS to view the options at the bottom and tap one to apply it to the page.
- Tap a photo to zoom in or adjust brightness and contrast. Stretch the photo with 2 fingers to zoom in and drag it with one finger to re-position it. Tap BRIGHTNESS or CONTRAST, make your adjustments and then tap the check mark. Tap Done to save the changes.
- For text areas (on Layouts with text included, only), tap the text area, enter your text, and adjust the font, size, color and alignment as you like. When done, click the check mark on the upper right of the text editing panel.
- Tap the large + sign at the bottom of the screen to select another photo for the book.
- Tap the Save icon at any time to save your project to work on later (see note on saving below)
- Tap DONE to exit the page screen view and return to the main book screen. Then review your pages thoroughly.
- Tap ORDER to add your creation to your basket.
- Tap CHECKOUT NOW to review your order and shipping options.
- On the Review Order screen, check each entry by clicking the icon on its right:
- Items: Expand the section to show all the information about the products in your cart. You can Remove or Edit items, if desired.
- Shipping Speed: Click the pencil icon to show all shipping methods, and choose the one you prefer.
- Ship To: Click the pencil icon and enter the shipping address if you your address does not appear. Otherwise choose or confirm the address displayed. When entering a new shipping address, click DONE to complete the entry.
- Enter Payment Method: Click the pencil icon to enter your credit card or PayPal information. Click Done when finished.
- Enter Coupon Code: Click the pencil icon and enter your code. Then click DONE to see the discount applied.
- Order Total: Expand the section to see the cost of each item, shipping cost, and any discounts applied.
- Tap PLACE ORDER to complete your purchase. You will receive order confirmation in-app and via email.
Important: After saving your book project, you can access it again through the main app menu, and selecting Saved Projects (below). Also note, if you log out of Snapfish, or delete the app and reinstall, any saved projects will be lost.
Tip: Many customers find it easier to select photos before choosing a product, especially if they have just uploaded photos. When you select photos, you will see several options at the bottom of your library screen. Just click SHOP, select a product, and continue at step 4 above.
- The book cover finish is glossy with semi-glossy finish for inside pages; currently no other
options are available. - Books have a minimum of 20 pages (+ front and back cover) but more pages can be added. Maximum is 150 pages (+ front and back cover).
- Text and multiple photos are limited to optional page layouts that contain them.
- Once you add the book to your cart, you cannot do any more changes to it from there. But if you need to make further edits, open the Saved Projects folder, tap CONTINUE to open the project and choose OK to apply subsequent changes to the copy already in the cart.