If you have color photos in your account, but want black and white versions for prints, or to use in a project, you can edit those photos in your online albums. Follow these steps to create black and white copies of your color photos.
- Click MY PHOTOS at the top of the page, and open the album that contains the photos you want to edit.
- Hover your mouse over the photo you want to edit, and click the gear icon that appears.
- A menu like shown on the right appears. Click Edit Photo.
- Your photo appears on the left and the editing menu is on the right (shown below). Click FILTERS at the top.
- When the FILTERS menu opens (see below), click B & W in the top row, and you will see the photo turn to Black and White.
- Click DONE EDITING to save the change to a new copy of the photo. The new black and white version will appear alongside your original color version in your album.
Note: Currently you cannot edit more than one photo at a time and there is no option when ordering prints to convert the photos to black and white.