To place an order, follow these steps:
After adding something to your cart, click the shopping cart icon.
- Enter shipping address to have the order delivered. Click CONTINUE when done. You may be asked to confirm your address.
- When Your Cart page opens, you will see the shipping address and the shipping costs, along with Estimated delivery date for each delivery method. Select the shipping method you want.
- Next is the product section with details of your order. showing the product, price, quantity and costs. Below each product are links for editing the item and removing it
- If you have a promo or coupon code, enter it in the last section and click APPLY. Your discount and costs are shown on the right. Any applicable credits in your account will be applied automatically to your order.
- Then click CHECKOUT--to enter your credit card information and billing address or PayPal Checkout--to log in and charge your PayPal account.
- Below your billing information, you will see your order summary for final review, and when ready, click PLACE ORDER. The RECEIPT page appears confirming your order details and estimated delivery date or pick up time. You will receive a confirmation email that your order has been placed shortly after this step.
Related articles
- Cancel or change an order
- Change shipping address
- Estimated delivery date
- Order confirmation and shipping notification emails
- Order status details on your order history page
- Problems with your order or account?
- Promo codes and coupons