Below is a list of all our help articles in alphabetical order. Since it is a long list, try your browser's search feature to locate specific keywords. Just type "Ctrl F" on your keyboard, and then type in the term you are searching for.
Add backgrounds, textures or patterns to your project page
Add borders to photos in projects
Add embellishments to your project
Add or delete photo book pages
Add photos to calendar dates
Add text in your project pages
Add text to a calendar date
Adjusting the size of your face mask
After your order (overview of options, timeline and what to expect)
Aligning photos, text, and embellishments on a page or project
Autofill the layout of photos in your photo book or calendar
Blurry and grainy photos in your products and how to avoid them
Cancel or change an order
Cancel or delete your account
Cards we offer
Change iOS settings for photo access by the iPhone/iPad app
Change or remove phone numbers
Change shipping address
Change the design of book or project pages
Change the layout of book or other project pages
Change the order of pages in a photo book
Change the photo book type and cover
Change the quantities and sizes of prints in your order
Change your password, email address, or notification settings
Check order status with the Android app
Check order status with the iPhone/iPad app
Comment on a shared album
Common questions about editing photos in a project
Common questions about ordering with the Android app
Common questions about ordering with the iPhone/iPad app
Contact Customer Service
Copy a project
Copy, move or delete photos from an album, or set one as the album cover
Create an account
Create black and white photos
Create books
Create books: Advanced (tutorial)
Create books: The basics (tutorial)
Create calendars
Create calendars (tutorial)
Create canvases
Create canvases (tutorial)
Create cards
Create cards (tutorial)
Create collage prints
Create collage prints (tutorial)
Create easy photo gifts
Create mugs
Create poster prints
Create print orders
Create print orders (tutorial)
Creating projects (overview and links to specific products)
Credits in your account
Cropping your photos for prints
Current UK help tutorials (videos)
Dark photos in your products and how to fix them
Delete a photo from a project page
Delete a project
Download photos from your account to your computer
Edit and crop photos in your order
Edit photos automatically with upload preferences
Edit photos in an album
Edit photos in an album (tutorial)
Edit photos on a book page
Edit photos on a calendar page or cover
Editing photos (overview)
Estimated delivery date
Find shared albums
Forgot your password?
Free monthly prints with the Snapfish apps
Getting started
Gift certificates
Group rooms are not available on the new site
Import photos to my device or Pictures folder with the Snapfish Windows App
Import text or photos for specific calendar dates
Jump to a page or the cover of a calendar
Jump to a page or the front or back cover in a photo book
Like or unlike a shared album
Manage your account
More about the Snapfish mobile app for iPhone and iPad
More about the Snapfish mobile apps for iPhone
MY PHOTOS -- all your online albums and photos
My photos in the Android app, and selecting photos for products
One print project (and print finish) per order when ordering prints
Online security
Option map for creating a photo book
Option map for creating a wall calendar
Order a photo book with the Android app
Order a photo book with the iPhone/iPad app
Order cards with the Android app
Order cards with the iPhone app
Order confirmation and shipping notification emails
Order from the Snapfish Windows App
Order photo gifts or other products with the Android app
Order photo gifts and other products with the iPhone app
Order prints with the Android app
Order prints with the iPhone/iPad app
Order status details on your home and order history pages
Ordering prints or products with copyrighted photos
Payment methods
Photo details pages and what you can do there
Photo resolution tips
PictureMover is no longer available
Print and poster sizes we offer
Print Entire Album: the quickest way to order prints
Prints and product creation options
Preventing common mistakes when ordering photo projects (tutorial)
Problem with a coupon or promo not working?
Problem with a web site error?
Problem with the web site running slow?
Problems with your order or account?
Product and shipping costs
Projects cannot be shared
Promo codes and coupons
Rearrange photo layout on book pages with Shuffle Gallery
Replacements and refunds
Select and upload photos while working on a project
Select photos from your albums to start prints and photo projects, sharing and other options
Set the Snapfish Windows App as your default photo viewer
Share albums or selected photos
Share albums (tutorial)
Share, copy or delete photos in the Snapfish app for Android
Share, save or print photos in the Snapfish app for iPhone
Sharing method differences
Shipping and delivery
Shuffle photos on a book or calendar page, and other products
Some Photos Unavailable warning
Storage policy
The Snapfish Affiliate Program
Track your order
Understanding how image resolution affects print quality
Unshare an album that you have shared with others
Upload photos to your account
Upload photos to your account (tutorial)
Upload photos with the Android app
Upload photos with the iPhone/iPad app
Upload photos from the Snapfish Windows App
Use MY FAVOURITES to quickly find your favourite photos
View the images used in your project
Viewing and selecting photos in the iPhone/iPad app
Virgin Media Co Brand
Want to order? (overview of steps from start to finish)
Why is my order cropped?
Working with your albums (tutorial)
Working with your projects (tutorial)
Your albums, and what you can do in them
Your order receipt page
Your photos (overview with links to details)
Your shopping cart and placing an order
Zoom in and pan a photo to make close-up photos in an album