When you are selecting albums or individual photos for prints or other photo products, please be aware that your view of your photo library (MY PHOTOS) differs a bit in the app from our web site view.
In the app, you will initially see the photos on your device.
To change the photo source from your device, tap the icon for SNAPFISH, GOOGLE PHOTOS or FACEBOOK at the top of the screen.
Each photo source is described below.
Important: In all views, just tap the check-mark in the upper right of a photo to select that photo for a project (see screen above). The number of selected photos shows on the upper left.
Photo sources
Your device
A Timeline view of the photos on your device (or other device) opens by default showing your most recent photos at the top (see example).
There are 2 ways to view your Snapfish photos:
- Albums--The album view opens by default and shows photos by upload date, or by the date any photos were created on the web site via your editing and creating them on the web site (not currently available in the app).
- Friends Albums--This view also shows albums, but is restricted to only show albums that have been shared with you. The albums are sorted by the date they were shared. Click an album to select individual photos from that album, or click the check-mark on the upper right of the album to select everything in the album.
Note: Currently there isn't a separate listing of albums you have shared in the app.
Your Google Photos and Facebook photos are grouped within albums, and are presented with the most recent at the top (see below).